Custom Workshops
To book a workshop for your group or organization, please contact me
Writing Classes
Learn the basics of narrative writing through fun games and exercises. Includes brainstorming through cluster maps, five ways of looking at Story Structure, timed writing and dialog writing.
Explore the potential of story writing as a means to enhance personal health and well-being. Using a step-by-step process, I guide participants to visualize images and characters that represent physical or emotional challenges; the spirit of wellness and healing; or other aspects of their experience. Then we write stories based around these images and characters.
Topics include: transforming incidents into stories, finding your voice, focusing your narrative, the necessity of reflections and insights, re-structuring, how to utilize “mentor” books and essays, streamlining, and the ethics of literal accuracy versus artistic truth-telling.
Narrative is the hidden power beneath all human activities, including success in the workplace. This workshop presents the basics of story theory and teaches participants how to harness this power to give motivation and meaning to personal and organizational goals.
Learn how to create the comedy premise, develop it into a short comedy sketch, and then rewrite. Not confined to words on paper, these sketches will also be read aloud and performed in class. For inspiration, we will study scenes from Saturday Night Live, Key & Peele, and Almost Live.
Learn how to use the often chaotic images and story fragments of your dreams to create imaginative and meaningful narratives, utilizing the framework of story structure. Includes instructions on keeping a dream journal.
Improv Classes
Explore the creativity, spontaneity, and fun of an introductory improv workshop! Gain self-confidence on your feet as you sharpen listening and communication skills, in a collaborative, community atmosphere. Learn the skill of “Yes, And…” by making your fellow improvisors look good through spontaneous scene and story creation.
I energize organizations with easy-to-learn improvisation exercises that get group members on their feet, laughing, learning and spontaneously interacting. Games include Yes, And…; Word Ball; Permission Circle. Participants who have worked together for years get to know each other in a new way, and new team members are welcomed. Outcomes: better working relationships and teamwork, increased listening and communication skills, enhanced creativity and idea generation.
Improvisation is a superfood for mental and physical wellness. Just as blueberries and dark chocolate are fun to eat, and good for your health, improv games are fun and entertaining, and nourish body and mind. For example, depression is often associated with isolation and physical lethargy. Improv games encourage fun and lively interactions with our fellow humans. Drawing on my background in psychology, I grab participants’ attention with the latest brain science, and then lead them in the real-time experience of their brains literally exploring new neural pathways through creativity and spontaneity. Games include “Yes, And,” “Point and Shout,” and “Go!”
The workshop deepens the student’s understanding of structure in improvised scenes, and can be a springboard toward writing scripted sketches. We improvise scenes, note down their structure, analyze the narrative and character flow, and suggest possible alternatives/ rewrites.
Upcoming Classes & Workshops
COMEDY WRITING at Unexpected Productions,
Georgetown, Seattle
Sept 23 to Nov 11, Eight Saturdays, 10am to 1pm.
(See class description above.)
Sign-up link
BASIC IMPROV at TAPROOT Theatre, Greenwood & 85th, Seattle.
Dates TBA
(Class description above.)
Sign-up link TBA